OBS was alright. It was tiring & gross but it taught me a lot. (: I slept for 10 1/2 hours yesterday! While others slept for like 15 hours. Hahaha, Not bad huh! I know. :D Okay, I'm gonna blog about OBS! Hahaha.
First day:
We were split up into different groups. & I was in Nila Utama. (: Weird name, I know! Hahaha. It's like all historic names. There's like Cheng Ho, Raffles, Raleigh, Marco Polo, etc etc. & It sounded super weird at first & when the instructor told me that I was in Nila Utama, I thought I heard something wrong. Haha, so it was like :
You're in Nila Utama.
Uh, Ni ni, what?
Nila Utama.
Huh? Utama what?
Nila Utama?
Oh, heh. Alright.
Okay, It's not my fault. It sounded so weird! Hahaha. So like when I went to find my group, I wasn't really excited cause there wasn't really anyone I was close to! Except that I had Joanne. :D Yay teammate! & there was Alyssa. :D YOU BIG JOKE. Hahaha. Nicola, Andrea, Chelsea & Yanbing were in my watch too! Hahaha. Maybe it wasn't that bad afterall. (: But it was, quite, at the beginning. Like before we got closer & stuff! Haha. Our watch's instructor was Vivian. (: She's really nice! After the opening of obs, every watch had to take pictures. (Those posted above.) Hahaha. & We had some self introduction activities & went to unpack everything from the store after that. Like all the tents, bottles & stuff. The bottles were really dirty. D: Weren't used to it at first, so everyone had to identify their own bottles. We were given A LOTTT of food. Like granola bars, biscuits, bread, etc. Don't bother saving them, cause there's gonna be a lot of leftovers & nobody would wanna bring them home! Hahaha. Learned how to pitch our tents & belaying. I was sooo sleepy! Hahaha. Four hours of sleep the previous night before OBS, perhaps. So please have a lot of rest before OBS, or you'll end up like me! Hahaha. Okay, so after that, we pitched our tents & cooked our food by the beach. Quite cool, but yeah! We did some 'falling angel' activity. So scary okay! Like we had to fall backwards from this thing. It wasn't that high but still high. It's like you gotta fall backwards & your group members gotta catch you using some mat thing. Chelsea & I were screaming like sheeeet. HAHA. We were like the last two to go. We both took really long to fall back! But I think I took longer cause I couldn't bring myself to fall back. Hahaha. So I asked the instuctor to push me, but she REFUSED. ): Hahaha. So i was forced to do it. Okay, it was quite alright, but still. SCARY. Hahahaha. &Tent pitching was bad! Cause we weren't really used to it so we took kinda a long time! Hahaha. We were all quite frustrated too cause some of the group members were rushing us. We were really sweaty & uncomfortable but thank god we got to shower! Shower wasn't that fantastic either. The water was freezing. I don't expect a heater, but it was cold + colder = DAMN BLOODY COLD. Hahahaha. We felt really homesick on the first day! Haha. Chelsea & I were crapping shiatzxzx at dinner, like on how to go home. Hahaha. This was our conversation.
Vivian, I feel really, (cough, cough) sickkk. But I think I can PERSERVERE & CARRY ON. I'll (sniff, cough, sniff) try my (cough, cough) best to stay for obs. Please don't (cough cough cough) send me home, I really wanna complete OBS. (cough cough) I love obs. Oh no, My head's spinning. I feel really giddy. No, Vivian, please don't send me home. (sniff sniff) I wanna do this together with everyone here. Ah, my headddd. (cough cough) Yes, I (cough) wanna (cough) stay. We can all get sick together if there's really no other way.
(cough, cough, cough)
Hahaha, rubbish shit, I know! We didn't do it, duh! Hahaha, could've tried. :D Maybe it'd work! WHO KNOWS. :D Hahaha. Alright, shared tents with Joanne, Andrea & Alyssa. (: Only Joanne had a pillow cause she brought a small tiny one. Lucky girl! Hahaha. So yeah, that's about all for the first day. One of the slackest day. :D
Raindrops are falling on my tent, they keep fallingggg
It raineedddd. ): My tent didn't collapse! Thank goodnesss. Many other people's tents collapse! Really sucked. We couldn't sleep either ways cause:
1. It was so cold
2. It was really noisy & chaotic outside
3. Our tents were FLOODED.
Yeah, who wants to go for a swim? Come to our tents! Hahaha. We had to gather in this shelter & we were all freezing, like really. Bad bad start. So we were all stonning at the shelter & falling asleep sitting down. Haha. After the rain stopped, we went to do some high element commitment thing. The log thing. Really difficult! The one on the left. Hahaha. Okay so after that, we went for KAYAKING. :D Yeah baby! Hahaha. I only liked it for a VERY VERY SHORT WHILE. We did capsizing drills. Super fun! Hahaha. The first time was scary. Cause I forgot I had a life jacket. Hahahaha. First time's was at the shallower part. The second time's was in the middle of the deep sea! & It was slightly different cause we had to partner another kayak for rescuing of the other kayak after capsizing! Hahaha. Quite cool! I got really high after capsizing the second time & four of us just laughed like crazy in the middle of the sea. Hahaha. Yeah but after that, we kayaked to some Ulu-ated place called 'MACHOR.' There was pratically nothing but forest & a piece of land with NO LIGHTS. ): Yes, that's when your torch comes in handy. So, No toilets, means no shower. No shower after kayaking was just disgusting. I swear. Haha. There were two other groups there too. Their tents were pitched, they were dry & they were a lot happier than us. Which was depressing. Cause they trekked to machor. Our tents weren't pitched. ): & We had to pitch them in the dark. Eeee. It was really frustrating. We were briefed on our sea expedition trip after that & Yanbing, Chelsea, Nicola & I got assigned to be the Sea ex leaders. So I couldn't partner Yanbing anymore & had to change partners. D: Rawr. Okay anyway, told the rest on the expedition for the next day & everyone went to sleeeep. :D
Woke up at 4am to do our rounds. Tired man! & Oh my god, we actually PEED in the bushes! Yes, I know. Sick. Hahaha. Some people actually dug a hole to shit. Hahahaha. So funny. Okay so we carried our kayaks out into the sea. Everyone were really systematic. :D Maybe because we wanted to reach our destination earlier! Haha. So yeah, went off & started kayaking! Had to wear the long sleeves we wore the previous day to prevent sunburn. Damn hot, Im telling you. Hahaha. & GROSSS. ): It was still wet & dirty. ): Anyway, We kayaked into swamps. The water was really dirty. Like brownish green, with bubbles. & We saw tyres, slippers, chairs, any kinds of crap floating in the swamp! Hahahah. Grosssss. & We had to potage TWICE. Like get out of the kayak, carry it over, then go back into the kayak & start paddling again. Omg mannn. The kayaks were so damn heavy. D: The second potage was MUDDAYE. So we crawled over mud. & I don't mean just mud-mud. I mean, POOO-MUD. ): Our feet totally sank into the mud & It was so hard getting them out. & It was so slippery so many people actually just slipped into more mud. Hahaha. The un-glammest time of your life. Hahaha. It was funny though. :D Tracy, the other instructor who accompanied us on the sea expedition took some unglam shots of us! Hahaha. Eeee. I hope nobody sees them! Hahaha. &&& OMG, A SWORDFISH JUMPED INTO XIUHUI'S COCKPIT. HAHAHA. So she was like screaming & screaming like crazy & couldn't sit still. & Nicola, her Kayak partner thought it was a spider & went, ' XIUHUI, CAN YOU KEEP QUIET & SIT DOWN.' HAHAHAHA. Omg omg. Damn funny! & Lydia was so gross! She dipped her apple into seawater & swamp water. D: Hahahaha. Really funny! Interesting people but the laughter was just temporary for the whole expedition. We finally found our way out after a realy long time in the swamp & went out to the sea! Yes, again. But we still had a long time to go. Everyone was really tired & frustrated. Cause the currents were really not helping. They just kept pushing. So we were practically kayaking against the currents. & Our kayaks just kept turning & we had to keep turning them back. Really tiring & pissed off because turning the kayaks required a lot of effort. Especially when you have to turn them like all the time after 5 straight paddles. Like what the hell manzxzx. Everyone just wanted to give up but nobody could cause we were in the middle of the sea, which was nowhere. It really sucked & a lot of sea water got into my eyes. ): Painfulll. The seawater was just so salty. It can burn your eyes. Really. So, my eyes got really red. I looked like I cried. Hahaha, I didn't okay! Haha. So anyway, when we got there, I swear, WE NEVER FELT SO HAPPY REACHING OUR DESTINATION BEFORE. 9 1/2 hours of kayaking of more than 22km. I've never hated the sea so much before, neither have I hated a Kayak before. Hahaha. Anyway, parked the kayaks, pitched our tents & went to shower. Had a proper dinner upstairs. Was forced to take rice because our instructor said we had to. Hahaha. I pretended to take some & gave them to Alyssa. :D Thank you babe! Hahaha. Andrea, Alyssa, Joanne, Chelsea & I went high during dinner talking about, ahem, STUFF. HAHAAHHA. Damn funny. I almost died laughing. Hahaha. Washed & cleaned up & went to sleep after that! :D
We were late for flag raising at the campsite. Oh man, sorry vivian. Okay, so after that we did some exercise & went for rock climbing! I've never rock climbed before. :D Cause in p5 camp, I ran away. :D & In sec2 adventure camp, I was recovering from my sprained ankle. Hahaha. Sad huh. Haha. So I got to do it this time! REALLY FUNNN. :D I like rock climbing! HAHA. Okay, after rock climbing, we went kayaking. Yes, again. Hahaha. Reached our destination (camp2) in around 15 to 20 min. Kayaking seemed so effortless after the sea expedition! Hahaha. So we got there, FINALLY. NO MORE KAYAKING. KISS THE KAYAKS GOODBYE, YO.
So I woke up at around 4.30 am. & Sat there waiting for people to wake up to talk to me, but everyone just, didn't wake up. D: Until 30 min later, Alyssa woke up! YAY. Hahaha. We were laughing at nicola! Hahaha. She curled up into a ball! So cute! Hahaha. Went to the toiet to wash up & there was a scholar standing & stonning outside. Damn scary! I thought she was some zombie. Like the way she walked & everything. We were really shocked! Hahahah. Alyssa thought she was crazy. HAHAHA. Everyone woke up after that & we played games with other watches. :D The cutest way of scissors paper stone! :D Gotta jump around! & We played captain's ball. Our group tucked our shirts into our fbts really high! HAHAHA. SPASTIC, I KNOW. :D But HEY, It was hard to differ so we sacrificed & tucked them in, OKAY. :D Nice right! Hahahah. Of course. :D Okay, packed our stores after playing & Had our talks after being dismissed to go home! Everyone got really emotional & they crieddd. ): Aw man. Don't cry! SMILE. :D Alyssa was trying to hard. She was like, 'EH VALEN, LOOK! ONE DROP!' Hahaha, & I went like, 'STOP TRYING ALYSSA, GIVE UP.' Hahaahha. But yeah, it was quite sad. Smile peopleee. :D Left for Singapore after that! YAYYY. :D Finally! I missed home so much! Everything seemed to clean & perfect after obs! Hahaha. Oh well, anyway. Although Obs was really gross & there were times when we felt so frustrated & wanted to give up, we still perservered & carried on. This has made us stronger physically & mentally, so do remember that whatever that happens in future, You'll never be alone. (: It was a really good experience for me & I don't regret going for obs despite the mud & dirt & frustrations & aches we had. Loveeee. ♥