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scgs, squasher. :D




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Thursday, July 12, 2007
6:09 PM
i think i havent been posting for QUITE long so since i feel like blogging today, so yeah. :D heh. this weeks been FUN. (: if you dont include the amount of scoldings we had. (: HURHUR. &yeah! with the GR CLOWNS. (:
went to ximans house for sleepover! :D with 'HEY! ZER!' [hazel] (: hehehe. so fun! :D we needed to bake for push cart on tuesday, thats why! so we were baking, so i took some mixture. &hazel was like, 'VALEN, YOU WANNA EAT AR?' &before i answered her, i smacked it on her face. :D hahaha. &as usual, she shouted, 'VALENTINA YONGGG!' &she tried smacking some mixture on me, but thankfully, she FAILED. (: heh. IM STRONGER THAN YOU, ZER! :D hahaha. okayokay, im just kidding. :D wheeee. we made the muffins& after one tray was done, we realised that the muffins sunk in. D: then ximan was like, ' HUH! BUT I USED RAISING FLOUR!' hahaha there were quite few out of shape ones, so we had to eat them. hahaha, we made hazel eat a lot. because shes constantly hungry anyway. :D heh. but the muffins were nice kay! she must be so glad to eat so many. :D yeah! &while waiting for the other set of muffins to be baked, we went to play comp! :D ahaha. did a lot of shit online. :D haahah. FUN. (: then they went to watch CSS2 result show. hahaha, ximan was like screaming, 'GUOHAO OUT LUH. EEEYYYEERRR.' hahaha. they wanted him out so bad. :D HAHA. but he didnt in the end, i think. i wasnt sure cause i was such a good girl making muffins while they watched tv! :D HAHAHA. YAY. :D but they came to help soon after that! so like we were like spreading nutella on the muffin thing. so there were some ugly&disfigured ones. &stupid ximan went like, 'VALEN, MUST BE YOU.' what luh, not me! D: hahaha, okay maybe it is. but stillll. hahaha. at least i made some NICE ones tooo! :D we finally got to sleep at 1.30am in the morning. zer&i slept in the guest room. (: &that stupid zer didnt wanna off the lights when she was closer to the switch! D: lazy hazel. scared of the dark right! :D yeah & we couldnt sleep so we played some music&tried to sleep. &yeah! finally we were ABOUT to sleep, zer sneezed. then we woke up again. hahaha. oh weeelll. it was damn cold in the middle of the night because stupid zer pulled 3/4 of the blankie away. &she had another blanket herself! hahaha. i thought was afraid that if i pulled some back, she might not have any. so i didnt in the end (: hurhur.

it was freezing in the morning, i practically couldnt feel myself already luh! hahaha. zer the pig was the last one to wake up! ximan woke up first cause she set her alarm at 5.30! D: hahaha. eee. i set my at 5.43am luh. &they were like, ' WHERE GOT PEOPLE SET LIKE THAT ONE.' hahaha. ximans mum made hazel bring another slice of bread to school. cause she told her that hazels always hungry. :D HEHE. yeah! so we went to esso after that, cause we had to go get some chocolate for the muffins. (: &it was so early anyway, didnt wanna reach school that early! hahaha. well anyway, PUSH CART WAS GREAAAAT. :D business was good. (: we manage to sell everything by recess. :D yay. (: &we were half an hour late for geog lesson cause of all the mess in the canteen! we were clearing everything but that took really long maybe cause we were kinda slowwww. hahah

training on wednesday made me realise how much improvement i needed. i cant even get the basics right. ): i dont seem to be able to bend lower! lower lower lowerrrrrr. D: felt so pathetic man. ): eee. yeah, so im working on it now! :D &i hope i'll improve sooonnnn! :D training on wednesday was exhausting. i burst my racket string. rah. oh oh! we also had some chinese appreciation thing! it was the nicer lady. :D not the other one. (: yay. it was so funny. she was like telling us about some sad stories in the book. then she went like, 'if there was this guy at macs, &suddenly he knocked into this guy&both of them got mad, so they wanted to fight. but when he rolled up his sleeves, he saw a tattoo. what do you think the guy without the tattoo said?' so i was feeling super random&i shouted, ' WAH SO NICE!' yes, &the whole of gr started laughing. hahaha. the whole lesson was dang funny& lao shi stood at the back trying hard not to show anyone her smiles. hahaha, typical lao shi. we also played this game, something like story linking. (: just nice, the two people that we can sabotage is estherLIN&jedidah! hahaha. esther got so worked up during the game! haha, might as well you play the whole game yourself! hahaha. CHILL. :D she started telling people what to say so she wont be sabotaged. hahaha. it was quite okay at the beginning but till the middle, it got super crappy. hahaha. so instead of talking bout the story, they started adding in a bit of nonsense to the story. :D hurhur. quite cool kay! :D i love two grace man. but they did end the story well in the end! :D good job man'ZXZX' :D but for jedidah, she really couldnt finish the story cause we started with a lot of irrelevant stuff! :D like describing the facial features. hhahaha. wow, we made him damn ugly man. HAHA. like, ' a big nose with a big mole with a strand of hair. an oily face, a big head, small eyes, pimple face, big mouth. etc.' HAHAHA. then the teacher was like, ' WHERE GOT PEOPLE SO UGLY ONE.' hahahahaha. we really enjoyed ourselves luh. :D amelia was dying to go home. hahaha. she kept saying, 'LAO SHI! LET US OUT EARLIER LA!' tsk tsk. that amelia. shes so funny when she gets agitated. like always. ahahah.

theres no school today. (: yay! because of MOE excel fest! :D haahah. our schools kinda nuts. they installed like five plasmas in the canteen. D: &some comps too. so weird. haaha. then we were all like D: . haha. oh weeelll. the schools extremely colourful now. all the boards, etc. (: hahaha. im going to sicc to play squash with katrina later! :D YAY. happy (: i wanna do some physical. :D &were meeting zer later! :D zer, dont be sad about 'that' okay. (: there will be a way to solve it. BE STRONG YO. (: WE LOVE YOU! (:

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
5:28 AM
LALALA. HELLO. :D im extremely exhausted from training man. ): it was fun training with the seniors today. (: yay! hahaha. we did quite a lot of physical today. rah. it was like five minute court run like at least 80-85laps for warm up, then followed by 5sets of court sprints& another five minute court run for warm down D: tireedddd. ): after that, we went to esso to get some drink cause like the canteen was closedddd. D: roxanne&meredith were super hungry, they ate like two puffs. :D hahaha. meredith ate some black pepper thing. hhahaha. her expression was super funny! :D lalalala. roxanne keeps making me laugh, even during the match. D: hahah. i feel like sleeping right now. D: but i wanna watch some show later. OH WEEELL.