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scgs, squasher. :D




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Thursday, November 29, 2007
4:11 AM
TODAY WAS SO BORING. ): i'm feeling so full & fat now. yuckkk. haha. had a slice of bread & a can of baked beans for dinner. raaahh. i shall cut down on my food intake. if not, i'll become like a pig. or feeel like one. which isn't good. haha, oh welll. i had a nightmare yesterday night! haha. a pretty stupid nightmare. i don't know why. i think i'm going crazy! HAHAHA. tried waking up at 12 today! but i couldn't! oh my god. i have no idea why i cant wake up late. saddd. ): woke up at 7.30am today, kinda because of my alarm. i forgot to off it. hahaha. i dont know what i was thinking but yeah, i thought there was training today! haha. so i quickly got up, feeling kinda like, 'what the hell'yyy cause i was so damn tired. i grabbed my phone beside my bed & saw that it was thursday! hahaha, yeah got back to sleep after that! yay. & i was sooo determined to wake up at 12! ahhh. haha. the weather sucks now. it's so rainy & cloudyyy. ): it's like i'll have to predict if it's gonna rain later so i'd be able to go for a run. D: i can't predict the weather man! haha. i thought it was gonna rain, so i went for a nap for an hour, & it turned out that it was cloudy the whole time! NOT A DROP OF RAIN MAN. ): haha. okay, so i decided to go for run & it drizzled. rah. but who cares, i continued running. :D it did stop drizzling after a while. YAY. haha. did push ups & squats after that. i was soaked in sweat! haha, feels good though! like to be exercising. :D wheeee. i shall go to school for self training tomorrow. since the rest are in kl. ): booo. so sad! shall wait till they get back on wednesday! :D when we'll go to serene for lunch again! hahaha. BAGUETTE BAGUETTE BAGUETTE! serene has the nicest baguette ever! haha. people who have tried shall testifyyy. :D hhahaha. the squashers are having the baguette madness. :D hahaha. well, some of us. :D hehhh. but its seriously damn good! go try! :D lalala. so boring. i wonder if theres spongebob at 11pm. i wanna watch! HAHA. fairly odd parents is damn cute man! oh gosh, i know i'm childish but who cares. :D haha. oh oh! enchanted is pretty nice! watched it that day with my seniors. :D the songs are cuteee. :D haha. 'I AM LEGEND' is coming out on the 14th of december! i so wanna watch that. :D damn cooolll. (: theres this damn stupid but funny video on youtube! haha. watch it man, i was laughing like crazy. okay, its not that funny, but somehow it's damn funny. i dont know how to explain. man, just watch & you'll know! haha.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
2:57 AM
i made cheryl go for a jog yesterday! :D she was so lazy, i sweaaarrr. haha, she tried pretending to be asleep so she wouldnt have to run, but i woke her up instead. :D heehee. convinced her that i would run according to her speed, which i did. but she ended up walking a little. haha, & she refused to stretch beforehand, ending up having stiches. sighhh. haha. after runninggg, i felt like being a nice kid so i decided to cook dinner for the day! :D YAYY. haha, it was really fun cooking & shopping for groceries. :D made pasta & fried torpedo shrimp. (: pretty good! it wasn't very easy preparing dinner though, gotta admit that! haha. but it was nice to see them enjoying their dinner cooked by MEEE. :D yeah man! hahaha. i wanna bake! haha. wheres that oven mummy promised. ): my ovens spoiltttt. gonna get a new one, which would be thousand years later, i bet. haha. oh weeeellll. cant wait to bake! :D

RAAAAHH. todays training made me realise how much i needed to improve. ): oh well, i dont know, i just suck sometimes. like really bad. like when people calls it, 'off-days'. ah, means im 'off' everytime! D: boooo. i wanna go for the kl trip, which im not allowed to because my parents were afraid that it would be, ahem, UNSAFE. gladys said they were having some racial riot thing there. &my brother could go because he tricked my dad about a month ago. boo. i was told last year, that i would be able to go this year. but it turned out that i couldnt go at alll. hopefully i'd be able to go next year. lala.
thanks for doing drives with me when i was so pissed off, helping me cool off. (: & always being there for me. love you! :D
yes, i do love ROXANNE LOH, MEREDITH TAN, LYDIA ONG, CHERIE NEO, ONG QIAN NING very very much too! (:
cherie brought donuts today. :D & was like, 'i know you wont want, but nevermind la, just bring.' hahahha. the donuts looked nice though. (: shall buy donuts for them someday too! (: so they'd be able to eat them after training. :D yay! lydia bought me mascara from hongkong! hahahahah, THANK YOU LYDIA. (: hope you all would have much fun in kl! do take care & i'll see you in one weeks time! please dont fall sick yeah! we'll train really hard together after your trip. (: ♥

i'll miss you all. (:

271107 graduation pictures. (:
Monday, November 26, 2007
9:27 PM


lalala. oh gosh, im blogging. hahaha. oh well. i wanna go for the kl trippp. ): oh man. aaaahhh. anyway anyway! last saturday was sunny groves childcare graduation! hahaha. i miss them sooo. :D haha. finally got to see them again! ADORABLEEE. :D yeah so like got up really early in the morning, dressed up & went to meet gold shoes & the rest! haha. got there at around 8am. yeah, we were too early! haha. yiling was the only kid there at that point of time. :D haha. shes a nice girl. :D yeah so we got downstairs & bought plain wafflesss. :D yay. & sat at macs without buying anything pretending to be waiting for someone to come to have breakfast together. :D hehhh. most of them arrived by the time we got upstairs. & we were seperated into our classes. monnie to the n1 class, michelle to n2, shoes to k1 & me to k2. :D yeah but like shoes wanted to go to the k2 class, & since serena was in k1 too, so i didnt mind swopping classes with her. :D NOT AT ALL YO. (: hahaha. yeah so like we got into the classes, the kids were so lovely. (: & they're so playful, it makes you laugh. :D okay anyway! got them changed into their costumes & applied some glittery thing to their arms. their costumes are pretty! haha. they didnt seem like they could stay still & quiet while waiting & the teacher got pretty frustrated. hahaha. played the coin disappearing game with them.:D eh, it works kay! they were so well behaved. :D hehehe. its really funny so see how they get really amused guessing which hand the coin's in. hahaha. took loads of pictures of them until they got fascinated with the camera. then they were all snatching to take a picture! hhahaha. while they got their friends posing for pictures. ahahah, gerald & marcus. :D mr megawatts. lalala. they had their lunch & got onto the bus to the performance place. :D it was really nice helping out & watching the kids perform. ♥ here are the pictures!

helpers for the day. ♥

michelle, monnie, valen, & shuli!