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scgs, squasher. :D




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31st dec!
Monday, December 31, 2007
4:48 AM
I'm in 3CO for next year. (: I don't know what some people might think of that, but yeah whatever. Hahaha. Wailam's in the same class as me!♥ Yay WAIWAI. :D Cheryl, shoes, Jill, Mings & Nats are in the same class! Super cool. While Ximan & Dwi's in the same class. :D Good good, at least none of us are separated like this years. :D I'm not really looking forward to next year, but yeah, I think I'll become some nerd from next year onwards. Can't afford anymore shit results like what happened this year. ): I totally slacked like anything mannn. Although it was fun. But yeah. Haha. Haven't completed my homework! I'm in deep shit. But yeah, I'll complete them by tonight while everyones COUNTING DOWN. Wow valen. Haha, I'll count down with homework then. Rah. I'm really really reallyyy exhausted. D: Had training this morning. Slept at 2am last night! Hahah. Training was alright, did a lot a lot of drives today. (: No physical for today! Yayyy. But there's gonna be like double physical on thursday's training. Oh crappp. ): Went to Novena for lunch with Rox, Qian, Mere & shaun today at Ajisen. Lydia, Cherie & Gladys couldn't make it. ): Boo. Haha, he couldn't find his way & refused to admit he was lost! Hahaha, we waited for him like for 20 minutes or so. Hahaha. Damn funny. Talked a lot a lot of crap! Had a lot of fun! :D Yay.

DEC 27TH. :D
Friday, December 28, 2007
12:25 AM
:D Went to the gym at around 12. :D It was unusually crowded! Hahaha. Ran on the treadmills & did some work outs. Burned around 500 calories at the gym. :D Felt so much better. :D Can't stand how hard it is to burn off calories but so easy to gain back all those calories. Like 90 calories for one quackers granola bar, which would be like at least around 9 minutes of running on the treadmill with a speed of ... 9. Yup. Haha. Saddening. D: Oh weeelll. Went to get more more more ingredients for baking after that! I'm going brokeee. Like seriously. Hahah. Baked 39 chocolate muffins yesterday! :D My very first attempt of chocolate muffins! :D It wasn't so bad. :D Quite nice! Yayyy. Made a mess out of the kitchen, but nevermind, cause I cleaned everything up after that. :D Did the icing, wrappings & everything. The baking part was reallyyy fun but definitely NOT the washing. Hahaha, You won't believe how much I washed yesterday. Probably around.. 9 times? Yes, because like I did the ingredients for the cakes, then iced. then baked & iced, etc. So it was different kind of ingredients each time. Rah. Baking's so fun! I LOVEEE BAKING & MY NEW OVEN. :D Yeah baby!

Monday, December 24, 2007
6:39 PM

Yay Christmas! Hahaha, went to lydia's party yesterday! Really fun. (: Gymmed before going out to meet Qian & Rox to go together to the party. & yes, gymmed alone because wonderful Qianning said she didn't feel like gymming at the very last minute! Hahaha. But, IT'S OKAY. Went to Macs for a drink & went to Carrefour to get stuff. & went to lydia's! Damn cool man, she bought the new condo beside PS! Really nice. :D Yeah so we got there & walked up this LOOONNNGGG flight of stairs! Like really, A LOT A LOT. Were like so tired after climbing so much! Hahaha, I think my stamina sucks! Haha. :D Okay so we couldn't really find our way there, It was kinda complicating, really. Hahah. Asked for a stranger walking by for directions & found our way there! YAY! Hahaha. Helped to arrange the stuff in the function room & her friends came soon after that. Dare or dare wasn't as fun as the other night at the chalet! But it was kinda funny. (: Played cards after that! MY 'COOL' MOVE. Hahaha, ONLY I CAN DO THAT, KAYYY. Hahaha. Played Cheat after that too! They're really crappy man! Had aaa loottt of leftovers & we had to bring some home! Brought home A LOT of kuehs, Had them for breakfast this morning & ate quite a lot of them at her party yesterday! I'M SO SCARED OF KUEHS NOWWW. Hahah, had loads of fun at Lydia's! I LOVE YOU, LYDIA. Mum & dad got me an oven & electric mixer for christmas! Yay, i can bake like crazy now! I LOVE MUMMY & DADDY VERY MUCH TOOO. cheers for them!

Saturday, December 22, 2007
7:32 AM
I've been eating so damn much. & this post is gonna be really short.

DEC 15TH, grannys birthday!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
8:00 PM
I loooveee you. ♥

Woke up really early in the morning & went for squash! Played some games & watched dad train his students! Hahaha. JASPER & RAYMOND. :D ultimate cutie pies. They loved playing the cat game in my phone. Hahah. Played 2 against 1 with them. :D I don't know their method of counting scores. HAHA. It's like 20 points. Half british, then changed to american! Hahah. Cheat my feelings luh, keep taking my point! But it's OKAY. Kids. :D lovable! Went to the gym after training, & it was raining. D: But I stupidly wore my shoes out despite knowing that it was quite a long walk. So when I got there, MY SHOES & SOCKS WERE SOAKED. >:( Booo. & I had to buy a pair of socks. Waste my $8.95! Shit mannn, I've been saving that. ): Eeee. Did some running & workout! Feels good. :D So anyway! It was granny's birthday! Went to the restaurant for dinner. One big happy family gathering. :D Had dinner & went to Clarke Quay. :D Really nice! Watched some of the people do the bungee extreme swing. Scary. D: & They did that twice! Super cool. Angel wanted to do it, but no one else was willing to accompany her. Hahaha. Next time yo! :D Grandma came with us! Damn hip right! Hahaha. So did some of our parents. :D Had a lot of fun with them! I love my family. ♥

Friday, December 14, 2007
12:43 AM
CHALET STAY WAS FUUNNNN. :D I looovveeee changi safra! :D Rocks man! Hahaha. Woke up reallyyy early & went to the market with mum to get stuff for the bbq. (: Bought a lot & almost died carrying them back home. Hahaha. Cooked a lot & went off to changi! Yayyy. Gladys came at 5 plus & helped with the chicken wings! Hahaha, Gladys you need to learn how to poke chicken wings! Hahahaha. But not bad, for first attempt! :D Yeah so like the rest came at like 7 plusss. & we ate first because we were so hungry waiting for them! Hahaha. Took many many pictures & gladys took a picture with a random car. Then qian was like, ' I ALSO WANT! ' Then she went to this random car. & we started talking about the advertisement thing on the radio. the 'BUY MY CAR YEAH BUY MY CAR' thing. Hahahaha. & Qian went shouting, " BY MY CAR YEAH BUY MY CARRR' & suddenly the owner of the car was behind her! Hahaha, super funny. Went to check out the resort soon after that! Went to the beach. We couldnt see anything man! But we could see stars! Really pretttyyy. :D Lalala. &&& there was a plane! Okay, no big deal. I know. But stilll. Hahaha. & we WISHED UPON A PLANE. :D SHHH. Hahaha. Meredith & Roxanne couldn't stay over. ): so sad. ): So like after they went home, we starting playing truth or dare & got super high! Hahaha. We laughed until we almost died man! Made them do a lot of embarrassing dares. :D HEH. Fun kay! Hahaha. Drank barcardi, danced & played limbo! wheee. But like we didn't drink much so it wasn't that bad. :D The lime ones not nice! The peach & grapefruit one is. :D yay! Woke up a lot of times in the night because it was so coldddd. D: Couldn't stand it so i went to adjust the temp. & guess what man! The temperature was 16 degrees! Crazzzyyy. Hahaha. Off-ed the whole air con in the end. :D heh. Woke up at 8, had so much for breakfast & went to play squash! :D Yay. I like the courts there. :D So shiny! Hahaha. Went to the gym & did work outs & went bowling! Roxanne & Meredith didn't stay for bowling cause they had to leave early. ): poooff. Cherie, qian & lydia left after one game of bowling! Haha. Gladys & I played another two games & went to the arcade! DAYTONA. :D Hahaha. I had 15th out of 40 cars man! Hahaha. Okay not THAT good, but not bad luh right. :D Hahaha. Went to the poolside cafe for lunch. YAY PRAWN DUMPLINGS. :D Damn nice! :D Hahaha. The plain water tasted a BIIITTTT funny though. SO we concluded it might be CHLORINE WATER. :D HAHAHA. Okay, not the point. So, after that, we went back to bowl again! YAYYY. Hahahaha. Addictive addictiveee. (: Gladys went home after that & guess what! I saw charlotte & stephanie at the beach! They were having church camp. :D I missed them man! Hahaha. Kay, anyway, chalet was damn fun! :D

Thursday, December 13, 2007
11:32 PM

Finally, the clique dinner! :D Hahaha, haven't seen them since the hols started! Except for the netballers who i see every training & dear nat! Hahaha. It was great to see JillyJillybeans & neo! <3 Still as gorgeous as ever man! Hahaha. Waiwai couldn't make it at the very last minute. ): POOOFFF. I miss Waiwai. ): Alright, Xifan & I got there & met up with Shoes & Nat! & waited for the rest to comeee. :D Nat & shoes were starving but Shoes didn't wanna eat ice-cream with nat! Hahaha. Poor girl. Went to the super market downstairs at Shaw & Nat was like 'trying out' all the food samples! Hahaha. Met Jillian, Ming & Dwi after that & we sat at McCafe & waited for cherylll. :D Haha. She was having her nails done. (: Really nice! Okay so like we decided to meet cheryl & the place where we'd be having diner at since most of them were kinda hungry. We decided to dine at Hard Rocks man! :D Super cooolll. :D We ordered Nachos for the start. & it was a damn big serving man! Very very cheeesy. Hahaha. Ming loves cheese! Cheryl came pretty soon after that! & we ordered stuff , etc. Went for some window shopping for a while! Had a lot of fun! I love you all babes! ♥